Creative Leadership!
I am sure by now that you’ve heard the recent news about Disney. Bob Iger is back as the CEO of the Disney Corporation.People’s reaction to the news is unlike anything that I have seen. From cast members to guests/fans of the company the amount of joy this brought to us all is unprecedented. Bob Iger is a visionary and his predecessor was more focused on making money. Yes I know every corporation needs to focus on profit and make money but there is a way of doing it. In the last two yeas since Iger left the Disney brand took a hit. The parks were not the same and neither was the content. It felt like the magic was gone.
The same thing applies to Apple. Ever since Jobs’ passing the brand has not been innovative at all. The products have been lacking vision from the hardware design to the user experience nothing has really changed. So just like Disney, Apple has been lacking vision. Don’t get me wrong I like Tim Cook but he is not a visionary like Jobs or Iger.
Even though I am a big fan of both Disney and Apple I worry about the products that they are putting out there.
Below are a few things that I have found to be important in a company. This is all based on my experience for close to 20 years in the design field.
When there is no vision there is no WHY, when there is no WHY there is no purpose. When creativity is stifled by the business logic, the products will always suffer. Creative work is differently than standard business practices. We think differently and cannot be confined. When the leaders focus on money the user/consumers can see it. The same thing has happened to Apple , They haven’t had an innovative product since the watch first came out.
The future is filled with uncertainty. But if you can hold onto a vision of what’s yet to come, you can boost your chances at achieving your dreams and being successful. If you want to achieve your vision, set small attainable goals. Each relatively little bit of success will help to continue propelling you forward on your bigger journey.
When person becomes a leader they have to have the ability to inspire a team to achieve a certain vision. Leadership is also how you, as an individual, choose to lead your life. The definition of leadership is to influence, inspire and help others become their best selves, building their skills and achieving goals along the way. You don’t have to be a CEO, manager or even a team lead to be a leader. Leadership is a set of skills — and a certain psychology — that anyone can master.
Leadership is someone who wants to influence others to serve the greater good. They don’t just want to get from Point A to Point B, and they’re not searching for an outcome that only benefits themselves; a great leader always has the big picture in mind. They’re figuring out ways to influence the culture in such a way that everyone who’s part of it benefits. Serving the greater good is their driving force, also known as their purpose.
Some of the best leaders in the world all have a distinct vision in mind before they take action. Vision makes us resilient and strong. Without that vision, you’re much more susceptible to failure, prolonged ruts and depression.
Building a New Life
Although most of my life I have spent it walking around endlessly with out a vision I cannot continue to do that any longer. That is why I have decided to apply these same principles to my every day life. Having a vision for my life will give me purpose and the drive that I need to succeed. I have already been applying these principles to my team, and now its my turn.
The only person stopping me from achieving my goals is me. No-one will ever have the power to stop us from achieving our goals unless we allow them to do so.
Looking Ahead
The only person stopping you from achieving your goals is your own thoughts. No-one will ever have the power to stop you from achieving your goals unless you allow them to do so. Go after it like if your life depends on it , cause it does.
I hope that this article has inspired you to be your best self. If you found this to be insightful, please make sure to share it with a friend. I only write from personal experience and research.